sMiles is Air Côte d’Ivoire loyalty program which recognizes our most frequently flyers for their trust and loyalty.
In compensation for trips made with Air Côte d’Ivoire, you have a wide range of ways to earn and redeem miles with exclusive benefits and rewards.
The more you use your sMiles cards, the faster you progress from 3 Stars level to 4 Stars, 5 Stars and Diamond levels and enjoy more privileges.
With sMiles, you automatically receive the status of « preferred customer »!
The sMiles program also allows you to earn:
- A welcome bonus of 1 000 miles when you make your 1st trip.
- A bonus of 1 000 miles for any online membership.
- A sponsorship bonus miles of 1 000 miles when a member of the program refers new people to the program (the number of referrals shall not exceed 5 per member).
- A retroactive credit of miles for new members effective for flights taken 6 months prior to membership date and until 12 months from the date of the trip after membership.